About GeoBeer

GeoBeer is a roughly quarterly meetup of people interested in geography, GIS, cartography and the latest technologies. We want to promote ideas and communication.

GeoBeer is independent of any companies and organisations. GeoBeer events can take place all over Switzerland. Attendance is free of charge. Depending on the location, we usually welcome between 30 and 100 people from different backgrounds.

See our manifesto for more information.

How can we get involved?

Would you like to sponsor and host a GeoBeer at some point? – If you agree with our manifesto, all you need is an event venue and funding to sponsor an apéro riche.

If you’re interested to host us, please send us an e-mail or approach one of the GeoBeer team members.

Who is behind GeoBeer?

GeoBeer was originally founded in 2013 by Stephan Heuel and Ralph Straumann.

GeoBeer is currently run by: