The GeoBeer Manifesto
GeoBeer is an informal meetup series for people interested in geography, GIS, cartography and the latest technologies.
We hold these to be true:
Our profession is our passion: We have “geo” as our common prefix.
We share the fascination of mapping, analyzing and modelling the earth and its phenomena, large and small.Networking is inclusive: Everybody adds value.
Whether you are a student, vendor, engineer, researcher, hobbyist, mapper, surveyor or an entirely different animal: We all want to chat, learn from each other and have fun.Our minds are open: Opinions are important, especially coming from others.
In a stimulating environment, we have the unique opportunity to change our points of view, leave our comfort zones and think outside our respective boxes.Telling beats selling: Let’s share ideas, not sell products, organizations or philosophies.
Each event begins with 5-minute talks about cool ideas, a fascinating story or fancy devices and technologies serving as conversation starters. We like competition, but let’s have a break for an evening.We love all of Switzerland in its diversity: Nobody and nowhere is shut out
We aim to have events in all parts of Switzerland and welcome everybody: all genders, creeds and colours, citizen or expat, speaking French, Italian, German, Romansh, English, Python, C# or Javascript. We welcome sponsorships from parties all over the country.Beer tastes great, as do other beverages: Do come, also if you don’t like beer.
The event name is symbolic, various other beverages are provided.